Of course, Jim had to test the rules, which resulted in us standing in the rain a little longer...
We're really noticing the different accents as we travel south and there is a very distinctive Philly accent - think Fresh Prince of Bel Air times ten!
The rain had lessened to a drizzle by the morning, so we headed out on a walking tour of the oldest section of town. Didn't know that Philadelphia was the birthplace and first capital of the US, before Washington DC, so the tour was steeped in history. Ben Franklin is 'da man' here! The guy started so many of the institutions we have today as well as all the inventions we've heard about.
The new man in Celia's life is the tour guide as Paul Rudd has not been responding to her emails...
Lots of beautiful blossoms down here, lush green grass and budding trees, so hang in there, it's coming your way!
Next was a 2 hour drive to Baltimore for a quick stay before Washington DC on Thursday. We arrived just in time for a fresh seafood dinner in the Inner Harbour area. This old ship dates back to the 1700's and was used to patrol West Africa to intercept slave ships and set the men, women and children free. If you are getting sick of all this history, just look at the pictures and say blah, blah, blah, in your head!
Oh my goodness!!! I cannot believe all that you two have seen and done so far! Also if you could just send a philly cheese steak sandwich in the mail it'd be greatly appreciated!