Saturday 16 April 2011

Felt like a road trip today...

After the last post, we visited two of the outstanding Smithsonian museums in Washington - the Museum of Natural History (where Ben Stiller filmed 'A Night At the Museum') and the Museum of American History.  This filled the day and we had to be really selective to get through 2!  The exhibits were so well constructed and the American History Museum had a fascinating section on American culture, complete with Dorothy's ruby slippers, Archie Bunker's chair, the First Ladies' dresses and the Hope Diamond.

We headed inland for the first time into the western, mountainous part of Virginia.  The scenery was beautiful with rolling hills, vast expanses of naturalized daffodil fields and more vibrant blossoms. 
Our destination for the night was Strasburg, Virginia as it's close to the start of the world famous Skyline Drive  atop the Blue Ridge Mountains.  It has been voted the most scenic drive in the US after the Grand Canyon.  We knew we were in the South when the "you all's" started!  Our Italian friends will be interested to know that they serve Pasta "Pamadoro" here in Virginia...
Our early morning start today did not help us outrun the nasty weather and when we reached the ranger station at Shenandoah National Park we were told that the rain, heavy fog and high winds would increase as we headed higher in elevation.  Dang! (good Southern expression) We proceeded anyway, but at mile 4 (of a 120 mile drive) the driving rain and gale force winds sent us back. We had a little taste of what it could have been with the delicate, light green tree canopy and tree blossoms everywhere.
As disappointed as we were to miss the spectacular drive, our spirits remained high as we settled in for a 4 hour drive back to the next destination - Williamsburg, Virginia.

We made a short stop in Fredricksburg, Virginia which is the birthplace of George Washington and the site of 4 major Civil War battles.  It has retained an old slave auction block in the centre of town - interesting that they don't shy away from this dark part of their history.

We arrived in Williamsburg just in time!  The radio and TV were interrupting programming to advise of a tornado warning, recommending everyone get inside and away from windows...  The hotel survived and so did we!

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